It was wonderful to see so many parents at the Parent Information Evening last week and to share with you the many initiatives under way this year. Over the coming weeks, I will use the eNews to expand on some of those initiatives and provide you with more detail, particularly in relation to the programs implemented.
Cluster Program
The cluster program in the Primary School is a manifestation of our commitment to differentiation and providing targeted instruction at students’ level of development. Cluster groups have begun and teachers are closely monitoring students. Groups are fluid and student movement will occur over coming weeks and throughout the year and according to student’s knowledge, skills and competency and will be informed by ongoing assessment.
In 2017, the Cluster programs focuses on the following:
Years 1 – 2 – Across Year Level Cluster - Reading focus. Students in Years 1 – 2 are clustered to provide texts of the right level of challenge and to address the comprehension strategies identified as needing reinforcement and targeted instruction. Aspects of reading such as fluency, vocabulary and expression are also addressed in order to build on the skills taught in core English classes in the Getting Reading Right Program. This program focuses on developing student’s accuracy and decoding skills. Ongoing assessment of students across all literacy domains will inform further cluster priorities throughout the year.
Years 3-6 - Across Year Level Cluster - Grammar, Spelling, Writing focus. Students in Years 3-6 are all involved in daily Cluster lessons which focus on developing their spelling, grammar and writing knowledge, skills and understanding. Spelling Mastery, a direct instruction program (found to have a very high effect size on student achievement) is taught for 20 - 25 minutes each day. The program is levelled according to the complexity of spelling rules, spelling patterns and word difficulty. Some levels focus on reinforcing the spelling of high frequency words and mastering knowledge of basic suffixes, prefixes and base words, whilst other levels focus on applying knowledge of suffixes, prefixes and base words to decode more challenging multisyllabic words. Weekly spelling tests provide important feedback to teachers in relation to whether learned material has been mastered and ongoing revision enables students to ensure they fully understand the focus spelling patterns and rules taught. Cluster literacy lessons across Years 3-6 also focus on explicitly teaching elements of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. Differentiation of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary enables students to apply learned skills to writing contexts. One cannot effectively use an adverbial phrase, until they have mastered adverbs. Students are grouped accordingly to their level of understanding and teaching objectives are targeted to develop a comprehensive understanding of the language conventions needed for effective writing. All students in Years 3-6 undertake a regular ‘Big Write’ (on demand timed writing) to enable them to transfer learned concepts to writing.
Year 3-6 - In-Year Level Cluster - Mathematics focus. Building upon a very successful trial of In-Year-Level Cluster in Mathematics in Year 6 last year, all students in Years 3-6 are clustered in their year level for Mathematics lessons each day. In doing so, teachers can differentiate instruction accordingly to students’ level of conceptual understanding across mathematical strands. All students in a year level will cover the same topics and content from the Australian Curriculum. Differentiation will occur through the level of problem-solving and logical reasoning students undertake. Students requiring enrichment and extension, work at a faster pace and apply their knowledge to more abstract and challenging problems requiring logical thinking.
Mathematical understandings develop very sequentially and mastery of foundational skills is essential to be able to move onto more complex mathematical concepts. To this end, girls who have gaps in their learning, or require further consolidation of foundational skills will undertake the Junior Elementary Maths Program. This Program (a direct instruction program) ensures mastery of knowledge and skills across all strands and mathematical concepts. Students answer questions across a wide range of concepts each day (15 - 20 questions). Any incorrect answers are dealt with on the spot (referred to as de-bugging) and student understanding is monitored daily.
The level of targeted differentiation enabled by the Cluster Program is highly advantageous for all learners, particularly in the targeted areas of spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and mathematics. Ensuring comprehensive mastery of these foundational literacy and numeracy skills is critical in the primary years of education and the programs implemented in the Primary school are informed by thorough research and are evidenced to support academic attainment. In saying this, I also recall some of the information discussed at Parent Information Evening which outlined that the student themselves has the greatest impact on their academic attainment.
“Teachers open the doors, but students must enter themselves.”
Independent Schools of Queensland - 2017
The best programs in the word can only achieve the best outcomes if students are motivated, driven and focused.
Photo Catch Up Day
Please be advised that MSP Photography will be in Eton Hall between 7:30am until 10:30am on Friday 10 February 2017, to take individual photographs of students who missed out on having their photo taken last Friday 3 February 2017.
Upcoming Events
Friday 10 February |
Individual Photo Catch Up Day |
Monday 13 February |
Year 6 Leaders’ Induction Service and Morning Tea, 8:30am Chapel |
Friday 17 February |
Class Parent Representatives Morning Tea, 8:30am Primary Library |
Wed 22 - Fri 24 February |
Year 4 Camp - Alexandra Headland |
Friday 24 February |
Primary Eucharist, 2pm Chapel |
Wednesday 1 March |
Ash Wednesday Service |
Friday 3 March |
P&F Mothers’ Luncheon |
Saturday 4 March |
Open Day - Compulsory School Day, 9:30am - 12:30pm |
Tuesday 7 March |
Andrews Cup Swimming - Chandler |
Friday 10 March |
Primary Family Fun Night |
Friday 24 March |
Primary Swimming Carnival |
Trudi Edwards