Meet Sydney University in Brisbane
Scholarships Workshop and Information Evening - Wednesday 24 July 2019, 4:30-5:45pm, Scholarships and accommodation workshop 6:00-8:00pm. Join us at our upcoming information evening in Brisbane and discover the Sydney Undergraduate Experience for yourself. Registrations: .
QTAC Key Dates
QTAC’s admissions period runs from the beginning of August 2019 to the end of June 2021. The cost will be $44 which includes three changes of preferences.
1 August: Applications for 2020 open
28 September: Early closing date some courses
28 September: Scholarship Applications due
October: Submit EAS and supporting documents
15 November: First offer round Year 12
14 December: OP’s released
23 December: Offer Round
7 January: Last day to change preference
15 January: Offer Round
Year 12 students will receive their QTAC course guide and instructions about how to apply through QTAC during this term. Whether or not they are applying to QTAC, each Year 12 student will also meet with Ms Johnston, Careers Counsellor, on an individual basis to discuss their post year 12 options.
The University of Queensland
The UQ situational judgement test for the Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) are scheduled in August, October and November 2019. Registration will remain open until the day before the scheduled November exam date.
University Open Days: These dates are available on the POD
Australian Catholic University: Community Achiever’s Program (CAP)
The program offers future students who are active in their community early entry to their undergraduate course of choice. Applications for 2020 close 30 July 2019.
UQ International High School Students Showcase for Years 11 and 12 International high school students: 2 Oct (Monday), 9:00am-3:30pm at UQ St Lucia campus.
QUT International high school day
We welcome all international high school students who are currently studying Year 11 or 12. Gardens Point campus on Monday 21 October 2019 (student free day). Register
Year 12 students are invited to participate in our for admission in 2020. UNE's Early Entry application process is fully online, it’s free to apply and you can submit your Early Entry applications now.
Griffith University
Griffith university has developed a website to assist you to decide on a study pathway:
Scholarships in Australia:
QUT Match My Skills
Looking for some inspiration on what to study?
VTAC December Offers
VTAC recently announced that from this year onward, domestic applicants will have the opportunity to receive offers via the VTAC system in December, shortly after the release of results. Queensland is the only state other than Victoria that will participate in this new December round. .
From a University of Melbourne perspective, applicants will be considered for offers in all courses for the December round.
Elizabeth Johnston