The University of Queensland
The Diploma of Agribusiness Management is a one-year, full-time, face-to-face trimester program offered at the University of Queensland Gatton Campus via blended modes (lectures, tutorials, practical classes). The next program will commence on Monday 24 February 2020.
Griffith University
The Queensland Conservatorium has opened auditions for undergraduate places in its acting, musical theatre and music degrees, commencing in Trimester 1 2020. More information is available at .
Griffith Scholarships in 2020
Find out more and apply online at .
Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Studies (GUESTS)
Year 11 students can apply for the Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Studies (GUESTS) program in October 2019. For more information, visit .
Griffith University Growing Tall Poppies
Designed for female students in Years 9 and 10 interested in STEM. Griffith University Gold Coast campus 2-3 October. Visit .
Griffith Honours College
Griffith Honours College provides experiences and opportunities which help high-achieving undergraduate students (those with an OP of 1-3) reach their full potential. Apply by Monday 16 December. Visit for more information.
Queensland School of Film and Television's (QSFT). YOU ARE INVITED!
OPEN DAY on Saturday 7 September 2019.Your journey starts !
Durack College
Applications for Durack College are now open for 2020. Durack College offers a boutique residential experience, with a personalised focus on educational success. We work hard to create a culture and environment based on academic excellence. The small but vibrant community of female learners is offered a tailored living environment, making the transition to new routines easier and more rewarding. There are only 25 residency places, allowing Durack College to be both a private sanctuary and a busy and exciting community.
The University of Queensland Scholarships
QUT Scholarship opportunities
Explore (academic and creative industries), and , or .
QUT Creative industries course updates
Applications for creative industries courses with auditions or portfolios close at 5pm on Friday 20 September. Discover more at the site.
QUT Meeting assumed knowledge and prerequisites
QUT offers a in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
UQ College is offering University Prerequisite Courses in Mathematics B, Chemistry or Biology.
QTAC Key Dates and Fees
The University of Queensland
The UQ situational judgement test for the Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours).
Year 12 students are invited to participate in our for admission in 2020.
QTAC Year 12 Tertiary Applications
The Educational Access Scheme (EAS)
Griffith University: Explore your Options
Monday 16 December – Thursday 19 December. More information is available .
Upcoming Events at UQ
Saturday 7 September 2019, 12:30pm-4:30pm St Lucia campus
Sunday 8 September 2019, 10:00am-2:00pm Whitty Building, Mater Hospital Brisbane
Sunday 8 September 2019, 10:00am-1:00pm Sir Llew Edwards Building
Saturday 14 September 2019, 1:00pm-4:00pm Advanced Engineering Building
Monday 30 September 2019, 9:00am-3:00pm St Lucia campus
Wednesday 2 October 2019, 9:00am-3:30pm St Lucia campus
Saturday 12 October 2019, 12:30pm-4:30pm Room 216, Prentice Building (42)
Saturday 19 October 2019, 2:00pm-5:00pm Sir Llew Edwards Building
Monday 16 December 2019, 3:00pm-6:00pm UQ Centre, St Lucia campus
Elizabeth Johnston