Visiting Author
Next Monday and Tuesday, we will have an author in residence, Sarah Brennan visiting the Primary School. She will spend time working with the different year levels and sharing aspects of reading and writing. Most of her books are on display in the library and the girls received an order form to pre-order her books. Books may also be purchased in the Atrium on Monday and Tuesday afternoon or by . Sarah will also make herself available for signing at this time. The learning outcomes of her visit will be shared next week.
Year 4 Camp
This week, the Year 4 girls headed off to camp. This camp marks the beginning of our sequential, structured program as outlined in the Camp Overview (PDF 192.1KB).
Each year’s program builds on the previous years by increasing the number of days and building on activities that require more self-regulation. The common threads for each year’s program are respect and responsibility which encompasses respect and responsibility for self, others and the natural world; that is, a person values, respects, cares for, and takes responsibility for herself, other people and takes responsibility for the natural world.
Through the camp program, we provide many other opportunities to demonstrate respect and responsibility for self and others as students learn to live with students in cabins, sharing bathrooms and meals. Through such activities, the girls learn to develop a higher level of awareness of others as they live and work together in close proximity. They also learn to demonstrate respect and responsibility for the natural world, which is why we have a natural world focus in each of the camps until Year 6. When the girls participate in outdoor activities on camp, we aim for them to connect to and take care of the natural world. We believe this experience is such a vital part of a child’s learning, especially when children today have less experience with the outdoors.
These outdoor experiences not only provide opportunities to interact with nature but also provide challenges and risks for the girls. As parents and teachers, we need to offer opportunities that are safe, but at the same time, challenging. Children need to take risks to investigate and push their limits in order to venture into new experiences. As the adults in a child’s life, we remove dangerous hazards, but not risks, which offer challenge. The camps in each of our year levels contribute to the development of the disposition of risk taking which sets the foundation for the challenge of learning.
On the Year 4 camp, the girls will be offered experiences which may be new or challenging for some. These included playing in an Aqua Park and participating in beach activities at Alexandra Headland, all of which were passed through a strenuous risk assessment process and supervised by our teaching staff, qualified camp staff and life guards.
Each of the camps require significant organisation. Thank you to Miss Richards who organises Years 3-5 camps and Mrs Stevenson for organising the Year 6 camp.
On camp, the girls are very fortunate to have dedicated and connected staff who selflessly arrange their own personal lives, so they are available overnight to support your daughter on camp. As a school, we are grateful for their commitment.
Angela Drysdale
Continuous Reporting
Once again, this year, Years 5 and 6 will continue to utilise Continuous Reporting. For our new parents, this is a process that enables teachers to provide timely feedback on assessed work. Throughout Semesters 1 and 2, parents of students in Years 5 and 6 will be provided with assessment grades on each assessment task their daughter undertakes in each subject area. Feedback on each task is provided to assist parents in talking with their daughter to address any areas identified for improvement and to acknowledge success. Given that feedback has a very high effect size in relation to student achievement, this initiative supports our commitment to evidence-informed teaching.
As parents, you will be able to access the results of your daughter’s completed assessment tasks by entering the POD (click on Parent Lounge then Student Details and Curricular Activities). A description of the assessment task, dates when the assessment must be completed (this is listed as ‘Start Date’) and then dates when grades and feedback will be available (which is listed as ‘Due Date’) is outlined. All students are given the same amount of class time to complete assessment tasks irrespective of the day it is due. As all assessments are done in class, the actual task may be due on a Monday for one class, and a Wednesday or Friday for another class, depending on the day/s that each student has the specific subject. The “Due Date’ is the date the results will be released in Parent Lounge. This is generally a fortnight after the start date listed, except when an assessment has been completed in the last week of term. Results will then be available in Parent Lounge early the following term. We recommend that you check in Parent Lounge on a regular basis from approximately the end of Week 5 this term to access results of assessments throughout the coming semester.
More detailed information regarding Continuous Reporting will be sent home via a letter to new parents in the coming days.
Any assessment results which have become available through Parent Lounge will be outlined in the eNews from this week. The following results will be available from Friday:
Year 5 English – Oral presentation: Treasure Box
Cathy Cox
Assistant Head of Primary
Upcoming Events:
Friday 1 March: P&F Mothers’ Luncheon, 11:30am to 3pm
Monday 4 to Friday 8 March: Careers Week (Author in Residence, Guest speakers)
Wednesday 6 March: Ash Wednesday Service, 7:30am
Thursday 7 March: Madonna King - Fathers and Daughters: Helping teen girls and their dads build unbreakable bonds. 6:30-8pm, Arts Centre Foyer
Friday 8 March: Free Dress Day – proceeds going to Flood Relief
Saturday 9 March: Open Day – Compulsory School Day, 9:30am-12:30pm